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Monday, January 6, 2014

Khmer Monkeys

In 2010 I spent about a week in Sihanoukville, Kompong Som, Cambodia. My plan was to explore the area so I rented a motorbike from the place I was staying at. Naturally, I had my list of Khmer vocabulary, which included the word Monkey*.

After riding around for a bit and getting used to the area, I spoke with some locals and they pointed me in the direction of the monkeys. If you travel along the road towards the Independence Hotel, you will find a large group of monkeys hanging out.

I spotted 2 baby monkeys, sitting alone against a chain fence. At the end of the road I saw a little wooden stand that sold bananas, I bought a bunch and brought them up the street. After getting off my motorbike and walking the bananas up to them, the 2 original monkeys started multiplying. Within 45 seconds I was completely surrounded by monkeys.

Before I left on this trip, I was quite excited at the opportunity to interact with "exotic" animals. Animals that are not indigenous to my area. This thought started changing when a few adult monkeys occupied my motorbike and a baby tried ripping off my mirrors. I tried to make loud noises, I tried to shoo them as though they were a troublesome cat. Neither of these tactics worked and when I made one last attempt to shoo them by throwing my hand at them, my gesture was returned with a yell.

I decided they can borrow my motorbike for as long as they wanted. At one point in time I had the idea to chuck a rock in their direction and i'm glad I didn't. A few years later while in Indonesia, I learned they operate as a group. When one is threatened, they will all react to defend the group, which would have made for a really bad day.

So enjoy your time visiting the monkeys in Sihanoukville, just take some caution when approaching them and leaving your motorbike unoccupied.

*Normally I wouldn't include "Monkey" on a vocabulary list unless it was for a specific purpose. If I was going to the zoo, jungle or an area that I know they exist I will include it. I consider this a specialty word, because it's not for everyday use.

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